Hey! We had another Baptism!!! Celeste Lopez! One of the quickest baptisms I have seen! We found her I believe 2 weeks ago and is the best! She is the daughter of a less active member! She had already read up until Alma, and knew all of the Plan of Salvation! So we taught her the commandments, she attended church, and was baptized this Saturday!! And it is a little bit of a miracle, because they are finishing Vacations, and now they have 0 time to talk to us! They are completely busy! So it was basically her time for the lessons, and to get baptized!
Before the baptism at 7, (8:30 Peruvian Time). At 4 we ended up at a service project with the Elders quorum! We destroyed a rock wall behind a house and had to carry the rocks/Dirt in buckets. Then we all took turns with a sledge hammer at a big rock in the middle that the Jackhammer couldn't touch. But we left to try and teach someone, and then right to our baptism! But it was great!
Last P day, we just ate at a Mexican Peruvian place, and they do not know how to make Mexican food. It was mega sad! But our P day was half day because we went to the temple the week before!
We are trying to do a million Divisions! We want to divide and conquer, but never ended up doing even 1 this week! We only found 1 companion every night! So we couldn't divide! We were still able to find a lot of new people, and lots of people committed to go to church! But we didn't find success in church attendance.... Next week! haha!
We did a Noche de Hogar (Family home Evening) yesterday! When I get back I will have to explain all of the fun games we play! The classics are Ensalada de Frutas, Habla Chancho, La Papa se Quema, Agua FrĂa! They are great! We ate some Arroz con Leche with raisins! Its like rice pudding, but in soup form! It’s usually that or Masa mora for desserts here! That is just fruit slop stuff! It’s really good!
I really liked reading Mosiah 18 this week! Reading about the Church of Christ in the time of Alma! I really liked the verses 20, 23, 24, and 29! I really feel like we need to help the church stay strong in the basics, like what they explained here! Since it is the same church, we need to look at this example, and focus on Repentance, Sabbath day Observance, and like the focus has been recently, on Ministering!! It’s really cool to see that these things are not new! And I have seen the blessings of following these scriptures in these days. Lots of families are blessed when they look for ways to support the church! And more than anything, Church attendance! When people distance themselves from the church, a lot of the blessings that they had before start to leave!
Oh, the title of this message is called “sky blue” because that is Celeste in English! Ha! I forgot to tell everyone that!
Have a great week!! Hasta luego!!!
Elder Ball
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